Despite its name, cream of tartar isn’t creamy. It’s a dry, powdery substance that you can find in most kitchens. Fun fact: it’s produced when grapes are fermented into wine. If you’ve heard of cream of tarter, you probably know it’s used in baking. But, once you learn about these cream of tartar health benefits, I’m sure you’ll be reaching into the pantry a lot more often.
Cream Of Tartar Health Benefits
From getting constipation relief to quitting smoking, cream of tartar health benefits are abundant. It’s touted by many as a natural remedy for an array of conditions. Just remember to always check with your doctor before treating a health issue on your own.
It’s important to note that high levels of potassium can be toxic, so make sure you aren’t ingesting too much cream of tartar. A small amount goes a long way.
Mild Laxative

One cream of tartar health benefit is the amount of potassium it contains gives it a diuretic effect on the body. If you experience occasional constipation, just add a small amount of cream of tartar to a glass of water. Just don’t use it too often, as it could cause dehydration.
Get Rid Of Smoking

Cream of tartar has long been used as a cleansing agent. It can help your body remove toxins, including nicotine. The faster you can rid your body of nicotine, the faster you can kick the addiction away. Try mixing just a small amount of cream of tartar with some orange juice for 30 days. Those who have tried this successfully report that it curbs various cravings, too.
Treat And Prevent Acne

Another cream of tartar health benefit comes from its antibacterial properties. Cream of tartar is acidic and combined with the antibacterial properties it fights acne-causing bacteria found on your skin. To help clear skin you can mix a small amount with orange juice each day, or you can apply a thin paste directly to your skin.
Treat Heartburn

All too often, some of our favorite foods cause the most problems for our bodies. Foods that are high in fat or acid content can give you heartburn. Cream of tartar can help with that! Just mix a ½ teaspoon of cream of tartar and a ½ teaspoon of baking soda into a ½ cup of water. The cream of tartar helps balance the pH levels and relieves heartburn quickly.
Reduce Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain is caused by inflammation in your joints. If this is something you suffer from, I’m sure you’ve tried a lot of different pain relievers. How does a relaxing bath sound? Just mix 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar and 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt into a warm bath. The high levels of potassium in cream of tartar can help reduce joint inflammation and provide you with some much-needed relief.
Migraine Relief

Here’s where the high potassium levels in cream of tartar can help you again. Potassium helps your body regulate water levels and blood pressure. Migraines are often caused when these levels are off. Adding more potassium can therefore help reduce the pain of a migraine.
Fight The “Keto Flu”

If you’re trying out a new Keto diet, likely, you’re also experiencing the “Keto Flu”. When you cut carbs, you can experience an electrolyte imbalance which makes you feel fatigued. When you start a Keto diet, it can cause your potassium levels to fluctuate, leading to cramps and tiredness. Use cream of tartar to replace some of this potassium and rebalance your body.
Treat A UTI

Urinary tract infections are caused by microbes in the urinary tract. The culprit is usually a build-up of bad bacteria causing an infection. The acidity of cream of tartar can change the pH levels in your body, reducing the number of bad bacteria in your urinary tract.
Treat Edema

Edema is the painful swelling and redness of tissues in the body caused by excess fluid building up in the tissues. Use cream of tartar to increase your intake of potassium and reduce the build-up of fluid in your body.
Prevent Gallstones

An unhealthy diet can lead to a pH imbalance in the gallbladder. That’s a recipe for painful gallstones, which can require surgical removal if they get bad enough. Reduce the risk of developing gallstones by using cream of tartar to increase the flow of bile to the gallbladder.
Cream of tartar health benefits are seemingly endless. So, next time you experience one of the above health issues maybe take a look in your pantry for a quick fix of tartar. Just remember to monitor your intake and check with your doctor when using cream of tartar regularly. Low potassium can cause some issues, but high levels of potassium can be toxic.
If you’re looking for another seemingly innocent yet very healthy household item, check out our article about lime health benefits!