ormus health benefits

What Is Ormus & What Are Its Health Benefits (Scientific)

In the realm of health and wellness, there exists an intriguing substance that has captured the fascination of many: Ormus. Often referred to as monoatomic or monatomic gold, Ormus is more than just a mysterious element; it is believed to hold the key to many health benefits that extend far beyond conventional understanding. In this exploration of “What Is Ormus & What Are Its Health Benefits (Scientific),” we delve into the science behind Ormus and uncover its potential contributions to well-being while talking about Ormus benefits. Whether you’re well-versed in this enigmatic substance or encountering it for the first time, this scientific journey into Ormus and monoatomic gold benefits promises to be an illuminating one.

What Is Ormus?

What Is Ormus
Discover Mystical Benefits of Ormus
Gold of the Gods

Ormus: also known as Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, ORMEs, or M-state materials, is a high-spin, single-atom substance.

These molecules’ spin or torsion is associated with the subtle energetic forces that explain gravity and electromagnetism. This rare composition gives these materials qualities and benefits that cannot be accessed in another state.

Ormus gold, or monoatomic gold, is composed of gold atoms that are not held in a metal state. In its normal state, gold exists as a metallic form with large clusters of gold atoms latticed together.

When these gold atoms are broken apart through alchemical processes, the gold exists in a monatomic state existing as unbound atoms.  

The result of this process leaves monoatomic gold stable, nonconductive, heat resistant, and chemically inert.

It becomes a broken-up, fine white powder that (because it is chemically inert or inactive to chemical reactions) can be ingested and used for various health purposes.

Ormus is very much a product of alchemy—the ancient science that transmutes base metals into gold.

These elements occur naturally in the environment and are often trapped in the molecular structure of plants, rich volcanic soils, and are heavily abundant in the oceans.

It is believed that these monatomic elements are the light, life-flowing energy that creates a person’s aura or field of superconductivity. When we become deficient in these elements, we may experience energy blockages. 

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The Benefits Of Ormus

The Benefits Of Ormus
The Vast Potential Of Ormus

By this point, you may be wondering what the benefits of Ormus are? Here’s a list of several positive benefits you can experience from using Ormus. This includes enhanced cognitive clarity, heightened spiritual awareness, and the potential for monatomic gold benefits. Additionally, some individuals have reported improved vitality and a sense of overall well-being. Let’s discuss this further:

Electrical Conductor

This Element Will Help You Gain Unstoppable Energy & Vitality!

Ormus’s role as a conductor in the body benefits us because energy in the form of electricity is required for our brain and nervous system to send signals throughout the body, such as hand-eye coordination, hearing, responding, and physical movement.

Often called a “superconductor,” monoatomic gold’s conductivity can increase energy levels, promote overall brain and body functioning, and encourage cellular repair. This enhanced conductivity sometimes increases energy levels, promotes overall brain and body functioning, encourages cellular repair, and supports neural processes.

Promotes Peaceful Sleep

Ormus, or monoatomic gold, has been known to benefit the pineal gland. The pineal gland, defined by Renee Descartes as the “Seat of the Soul,” is located in the center of the brain.

The pineal gland’s primary function is to receive information about light and dark signals from the environment.

It then conveys this information to produce and secrete the hormone melatonin. Melatonin’s prominent role is to regulate circadian rhythm and sleep patterns. 

The minerals in Ormus stimulate the pineal gland, encouraging the brain to release melatonin, promoting sleep and deep relaxation.

By boosting the pineal gland, monoatomic gold can encourage consistent sleep and wake cycles and vivid, positive dreams.

(If you’re looking for natural ways to improve sleep, check out our article about the best essential oils for sleep.)

Boosts The Immune System

Ormus: Your Immune System's Ally

Monoatomic gold’s ability to be ingested and utilized by the body could make it an excellent compound for the immune system.

According to a 2006 study done by Harvard Medical School, gold compounds have been used for nearly a hundred years to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. 

These researchers found specific forms of metals like gold and platinum to strip bacteria and viruses from grasping a critical immune system protein.

Therefore, Ormus could be a fantastic source of these gold compounds that can work to protect the immune system from damage.

Balances Both Hemispheres Of The Brain

Perfectly Balanced…As All Things Should Be

Ingesting Ormus is believed to positively impact the brain by bringing both hemispheres into balance.

The brain’s left side focuses on logic and analytics, performing tasks, patterns, and practicality. In contrast, the right side performs more creative, imaginative duties, abstract thinking, and motivation.

Ormus can balance the hemispheres and bring them into a more harmonic state through an increase in conductivity. Ormus can thus also restore balance for those who may be more left-brained and vice versa. 

Benefits The Spiritual Body

In addition to its physical and mental benefits, Ormus can benefit one’s spirituality by allowing for altered states of consciousness.

Monoatomic gold’s influence on both the brain and energy can encourage higher states of awareness within ourselves and the external world. 

This fosters a deeper connection with spirituality, meditation, and personal growth. This heightened spiritual awareness is a unique facet of monatomic gold’s potential benefits.

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In conclusion, Ormus, with its mystical origins in alchemy, offers a wealth of potential benefits backed by scientific and historical intrigue. This unique substance, composed of monoatomic elements, can serve as an electrical conductor, enhancing energy flow within the body, supporting various bodily functions, and encouraging cellular repair. Ormus has been linked to promoting peaceful sleep by stimulating the pineal gland, which governs circadian rhythms and sleep patterns.

Furthermore, it potentially boosts the immune system, guarding against infections and autoimmune diseases. A harmonizing effect on the brain’s hemispheres makes it a candidate for restoring balance between logic and creativity. Beyond the physical and mental aspects, Ormus delves into spirituality by facilitating altered states of consciousness, fostering higher awareness within oneself and the external world. These remarkable attributes make Ormus a substance that continues to captivate both scientific minds and seekers of spiritual growth, offering a promising realm of exploration in the quest for overall well-being and enlightenment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Ormus Benefits

What is Ormus Used For?

Ormus can be used for a multitude of reasons, including boosting one’s overall health and vitality. The mineral composition of Ormus is said to repair DNA, balance the mind and body, promote healthy sleep, and heighten consciousness.

What Are the Side Effects Of Ormus?

While more research still needs to be done on the effects Ormus has on the body; currently, there are no side effects of monoatomic gold to note. 

What Is White Powder Gold?

White powder gold is another name for Ormus or monatomic gold. This name refers to how Ormus looks when it is processed, becoming a fine, white powder.

Who Discovered Ormus?

Ormus was discovered in 1975 by an Arizona cotton farmer and businessman, David Hudson. Hudson came across the substance during an analysis of natural resources in one of his farms. Since then, Hudson has devoted his life to studying Ormus and its effects.

How Do You Take Monoatomic Gold? 

Your Path to Enlightenment: The Ultimate Guide on Taking Monoatomic Gold!

Ormus or monoatomic gold is most commonly found in the form of white powder, or it has been developed into a tincture. The instructions for how to supplement monoatomic gold will likely vary depending on the source or brand. Generally, you only need to take small amounts of Ormus at a time. 

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